Above you can see the markers for the industrial heritage sites across the Northwest Territories. Below is a list of sites by name, listed alphabetically.
Beaulieu Mine, 400 km North of Yellowknife, NT.
Burwash Mine, Yellowknife Bay, NT.
Camlaren Mine, Gordon Lake, NT.
Colomac Mine, Nighthawk Indin Lake, NT.
Con Mine, South of Yellowknife, NT.
Déline Fishery/Franklin’s Fort National Historic Site of Canada, Déline, NT.
Diavik Diamond Mine, 300 km North East of Yellowknife, NT.
Discovery Mine, Giauque Lake, 300 km North Eats of Yellowknife and 90 km East of De Beers’ Snap Lake Diamond Mine, NT.
Eldorado Mine, Port Radium, NT.
Fort McPherson, Fort McPherson, NT.
Gahcho Kue Diamond Mine, Located on Federal Land at Kennedy Lake, 300 km North East of Yellowknife and 90 km East of De Beers’ Snap Lake Diamond Mine, NT.
Giant Mine, Ingraham Trail, 5 km North of Yellowknife, NT.
Ice House, Aviation Weather Station, Reliance, NT.
Negus Mine, Mackenzie District, NT.
Norman Wells Historical Centre, Norman Wells, NT.
Outpost Island Mine, off of Great Slave Lake, 65 km from Fort Resolution and 94 km from Yellowknife, NT.
Pine Point Mine, Near Hay River, NT.
Ptarmigan Mine Trail, Near Yellowknife, Ingraham Trail, NT.
Rayrock Mine, 145 km North West of Yellowknife and 75 km North West of Raw, NT.
Ruth Mine, North Slave Region, NT.
Salmita Mine, NT.
Snap Lake Diamond Mine, 220 km North East of Yellowknife, NT.
Thompson-Lundmark Mine, Thompson Lake, 48 km North East of Yellowknife, NT.
Thor Lake Mine, Mackenzie Mining District, NT.
Tundra Mine, 240 km North East of Yellowknife, NT.
Yellowknife Mining and Geological Museum, Ingraham Trail, Yellowknife, NT.