Who Are We?
The International Committee for the Conservation of Industrial Heritage (TICCIH International) is headquartered in London, England, and grew out of the International Committee on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS). As the world organization for industrial heritage, TICCIH is dedicated to promoting international cooperation in preserving, conserving, investigating, documenting, researching, interpreting, and advancing education of the industrial heritage. TICCIH has national chapters in nearly one hundred countries and holds a Congress every three years.
In 2015, to bring together industrial history associations across Canada and to represent Canada’s industrial heritage at TICCIH International, the TICCIH Canada website was created by the Canadian Industrial Heritage Centre which has held the national chairmanship of TICCIH Canada ever since.  Â
CIHC has linked its website with TICCIH Canada and continues to add links and communicate with sites across our vast nation. Due to those interested in industrial heritage having regional focuses or interests in a particular sector, it has been difficult to form a national organization. The website we maintain serves as a link between all these organizations. As the National Trust has similar interests, we keep contact with them and encourage them to devote more attention to industrial heritage in their news magazine and at their annual conference.
TICCIH Canada is managed by…
The Canadian Industrial Heritage Centre (CIHC), a non-profit registered charity dedicated to the preservation and promotion of Canada’s industrial heritage. You can visit our site at the link below:
Since we are located in Brantford, Ontario (once the third largest exporter of manufactured goods in Canada, following Montreal and Toronto) we have centred our efforts on collecting information about Brantford and surrounding area industries.
Our website is a collection of work from many contributors and sources from across Canada and beyond. We appreciate any suggestions or comments regarding existing content. If you have content you would like to contribute, or know of content you believe we should have presented on our website please feel free to contact us.
You can contribute or comment by e-mail to webadmin@canadianindustrialheritage.com.
Thank you for visiting our website, come back often to see our progress.
Please contact us if you have any questions or comments
Canadian Industrial Heritage News